We are Gear Up Driver Education Academy, Elgin County’s driver education training facility in St. Thomas, Ontario. We are conveniently located at the ICE Centre at the Elgin Business Resource Centre building located at 300 South Edgeware Rd. We are an MTO approved BDE course provider!
We offer classes 2 to 3 times per month and encourage you to register early as classes fill fast. Whatever driving skills you need, we can help. If you have safety concerns for your teen or yourself on Ontario’s hectic, crowded streets and highways, our courses and training greatly reduce the risk of an accident.
Informed, extensively trained drivers are safest on the road, and that is what we are here to provide. If you need lower insurance rates for yourself or your teen, completion of our classes may reduce the cost. If you are interested in demerit reduction or want defensive driving courses, we have a course just for you!
At Gear Up Academy, our goal is to keep you driving safely on the road as long as possible. New laws and regulations are introduced every year. We seek to educate drivers on such changes whilst working with you to improve defensive driving skills

President’s Message
Letter From The President – To All Those Seeking Driver Education
For those of you who I have not had the pleasure of being acquainted with, I am Suzanne Parkins President and CEO of Gear Up Driver Education. I spent much of my childhood in the close lying town of Port Stanley and raised my children in the same realm. In the year 2012 I chose to direct my attention to creating a way to positively contribute to the community both my family and myself regard with such high respect. The outcome? A drivers education facility.
After extensive training from Canada Pro Drivers, Fanshawe College and Humber College, Gear Up Drivers Education Academy Inc. was opened in the year of 2013. With an overwhelmingly warm reception from our community- and unmeasurable help from the team at the Elgin Business Resource Centre- the success of our company has surpassed every expectation.
As the owner and operator, I care for the safety of all my students and welcome the opportunity to give you the best head start in road safety – each student is assessed to ensure that you are ready for one of your biggest challenges and privileges in life – being a responsible and safe driver in Ontario.
The team at Gear Up Driver Education is committed to improving road safety and maintaining the highest of standards of teaching when it comes to the new driver looking to be the best they can be.
I thank you, and all of the people that make up our community for contributing to the success of Gear Up.
I welcome all suggestions and comments and may be reached at anytime by calling 519-317-8940 or by email at office@gearupacademy.com.
Kindest regard
Suzanne Parkins DI, CI
President & CEO